Services: Block Chain

Rural Land

Urban Building


  • To store Property Titles (Land-Rural Areas, Buildings, Plots-Urban Areas) registered with Sub Registrar Offices in Secure Database and Block Chain to prevent unauthorized tampering of Titles
  • To provide a facility to Citizens to search, download Property Title Report along with Property Sketch online
  • To Trace Title History displaying Sub-Divisions, Amalgamations of Land
  • To mark the properties under dispute by integrating Land Title System with Court Information System so that Citizens are alerted about properties in dispute
  • To mark the properties under lien by integrating Land Title System with Bank Information System so that Citizens are alerted about properties under mortgage


Land Title Records are maintained by Departments such as Revenue, Municipality, Sub Registrar Office, which often have IT Systems which are not integrated, resulting in a situation, where Government is not in a position to comprehensively certify the ownership, extent of property to rightful owners.

Land Title Records also face the following issues:

  • Cadastral Maps
    • Not Updated
    • Tattered
    • Blue Prints or Paper
    • At most scanned and digitized individually as DWG Files
    • No Centralized GIS System
    • Lack of Standards for creation and updation of Maps
  • Title Documents
    • Tattered
    • Paper, PDFs
    • Location and Extents mentioned in Title Documents do not match those on ground as Title Documents are registered without field survey
    • Same Land registered to multiple owners illegally
    • Some Title Documents are tampered leading to legitimate owners running behind courts to prove their title
  • Lack of Integration of Title Information between Revenue, Municipality, Courts, Banks, Sub Registrar Offices
    • No Single Source of Truth and each Department claims their version of Title is correct
    • Lack of update of Cadastral Maps, each time land title is changed, showing different owners in Pattadar Passbooks and Title Deeds
    • No Standard Process Flows for recording, maintaining Title Information and sharing of the same between different Departments creating huge red tape


Step# Description Method
Step 1 Collect Point Cloud Data and Take Ortho Images Aerial Survey
Step 2 Digitize Point Cloud Data to Geo-Referenced Drawing Lidar Processing, Map Digitization
Step 3 Create GIS Maps with Standardized Layers and store data in Spatial Databases GIS Data Model, GIS Stylization, GIS Publication
Step 4 Reconcile Title Data in Paper Format, Scanned PDFs, Databases and Attach Title Attributes to Spatial Entities Updated GIS Parcel Data with Title Attributes
Step 5 Scan and Store Legacy Titles in Cloud Encrypted Storage of Titles on Cloud
Step 6 Collect Disputed Title Data from Courts Mark up Disputed Titles on GIS
Step 7 Collect Mortgaged Title Data from Banks Mark up Lien Titles on GIS
Step 8 Store up to date Title Information using Distributed Ledger Block Chain Storage of Titles to prevent frauds and unauthorized tampering of Titles
Step 9 Create Building Models in Revit for Building Permits submitted to Municipality Generate BIM Data for Urban Buildings from 2018
Step 10 View and Display of Title Documents with Title Sketches and 3D Building Models Citizens can search, view and download Title Data from single source
Step 11 Continuous Update of Title Sketches Tehsildars to conduct Field Survey using Total Stations and updated Title Sketches whenever there is a Parcel Split or Amalgamation on change of Title


COMPONENTS OF Land Title System:

Storage of Documents, 3D Plans, 2D Plans Autodesk BIM360 DOCS
Storage of GIS Maps Spatial Database Server
Creation of GIS Maps Autodesk Map3D
Creation of Building Plans-3D, 2D Autodesk Revit 2019
Web Server Microsoft IIS
BIM Server Autodesk BIM360
GIS Server MapGuide
Development / APIs Autodesk Forge, ASP.Net, HTML5, Java Script, PHP


  • Single Source of Title Document with Parcel Sketch, Building Plan if any
  • Title Information stored in Block Chains thus Tamper Proof
  • Integration with Courts and Banks thus less possibility of fraudulently selling Titles
  • Integrated Processes of Lidar Scanning, Total Station Field Survey and Update of Data, Maps within days
  • Reduction of Litigation in Courts
  • Reduction of Frauds on Banks
  • Citizens can search, view, trace and print Title Online without visiting multiple departments
  • Improved efficiency of Revenue, Registration, Municipalities


Regency InfoTech would like to incorporate the following as Phase II of Land Title System:

  • Integrate Master Plans with Land Title System so that Citizens are aware of
    • Zone in which their Property falls in
    • Proposed Rod Widening affecting their Property
    • Purchasing Government Properties and Properties in Full Tank Level and Green Buffer Zones
  • Provisions for Citizens to markup discrepancies and resolve issues online
  • Capacity Building of Government Departments
  • Citizen Education Programmes on Right to Title